by Team Henné <3 / 2.20.25

Are Lip Plumpers Bad for You? How They Work and Why You Should Avoid Them

Better smooches, cuter lip looks, and simply feeling more beautiful—who doesn’t want fuller lips? When lip plumpers promise just that without resorting to needles and injections, it’s tempting to give them a try. But how do lip plumpers achieve fuller lips? And also, what’s with that weird stinging sensation they give you?

With so much mystery surrounding the workings of this beauty trend, we’re here to answer the question: Are lip plumpers bad for you? Let’s dig into how this product works, what that means for your health, and safe alternatives you can try instead.

What’s that Stinging?

If you’ve tried lip plumpers before, you know what we’re talking about. You may have even landed on this page after Googling if that stinging, occasionally painful sensation is normal. Unfortunately, while it is normal when using lip plumpers, it’s not for a good reason.

Lip plumpers often use capsicum (the stuff that makes food spicy) and sometimes even bee venom to purposely irritate your lips. This triggers your immune system, alerting it to the danger you’ve applied to your face. Blood then rushes to your lips and dilates which is what gives your lips a fuller appearance. This is what causes your lips to sting and burn after applying.

woman with bee sitting on her lip

What Can Happen to Your Lips With Prolonged Use

Other than the obvious unpleasant stinging sensation, using lip plumpers can cause long-term problems. Forcing your lips to swell can lead to chronic dryness, making you reach for lip balm more frequently.

Also, your lip plumper might not be as effective with regular use which means you’re applying these irritating ingredients without any payoff. Just like we can develop a tolerance to spicy foods, your lips can develop a tolerance to the capsicum and that fullness you’ve been desiring becomes harder to achieve.

Safer Alternatives to Lip Plumpers

Lip plumpers don’t have to be the only way to achieve fuller lips. Staying hydrated is key to keeping your lips at their fullest. Just like sponges shrivel when dry, your lips need moisture to keep them healthy. You can also opt for nourishing ingredients like jojoba and pomegranate oil. They’ll give your lips a boost and help them look fuller.

Alternatively, some products will plump your lips without irritating ingredients. Our Henné Organics Lip Mask does just that, but instead of bee venom or capsicum, we use peppermint oil to plump your lips. But why is peppermint oil safer? First, mint plants have been used for centuries for their natural medicinal purposes. And if our ancestors had great success using it, why wouldn’t we? Second, studies have shown that peppermint oil is effective at increasing blood flow when applied topically as opposed to the irritants mentioned that trigger an immune response.

hand holding open jar of lip maskDISCOVER LIP MASK

So, Are Lip Plumpers Bad for You?

Here at Henné, we care about the safety of your beauty products and what they mean for your health. That’s why we believe lip plumpers should be avoided. Frequent irritation isn’t good for the body, especially when there are safer alternatives out there. And who knows? Maybe in a few years, the lip-plumping trend will fade away and we’ll be rolling our eyes, thinking how silly we were for putting bee venom on our bodies.