by Rachel / 4.5.21

12 Ways To Start Your Day Off Right

Photo cred: B. Mars

Now more than ever, we could all use some positivity to replace some of the stress in our lives. A great way to do this is to set up a morning ritual that makes waking up the best part of your day! Here are some quick and simple ways to make your mornings less stressful and more enjoyable.

Make Your Bed

Making your bed is a quick and simple way for you to get a task done first thing in the morning. This only takes a couple minutes, but it will leave you feeling a sense of accomplishment and will give that extra boost to tackle whatever comes your way in the day.

Drink A Glass Of Water

Water, water, water, and more water! Alleviate your parched mouth by drinking a glass or two of water first thing in the morning. This will replenish some of the water your body has lost overnight. Adding a splash of lemon to the water can also help rehydrate, start your digestive system and flush out toxins from your liver.

Go To Bed Early & Wake Up Early

Sleep is one of the most important things you can give yourself because it allows you to recharge your body and mind, but waking up earlier gives you more time to enjoy your mornings. That extra time in the morning allows for whatever you want your morning ritual to be. The easiest way to set up your new desired sleep schedule is by doing it incrementally. Go to bed 10 minutes earlier each night and waking up 10 minutes earlier each morning. Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night in order to feel great and function best.

Plan Your Outfit The Night Before

Some people may like the spontaneity of choosing an outfit in the morning to match their mood, and if you're one of those people then more power to ya! But for those of you who get anxious in the mornings when deciding what to wear, take some stress out of your morning by picking out your outfit the night before. An added bonus: You can look forward to getting out of bed and slipping into an outfit you know you’re going to love!

Do Some Morning Stretches

Stretching when you first wake up is a great way to wake your body up and get your blood and lymphatic system flowing. It relieves muscle tension and energizes your body with a few simple movements. And many of us start off our mornings by stretching without even realizing it! Add a few extra minutes of simple stretches to your morning routine and see how much looser and more relaxed your body is during the day.


Not only is it important to wake up your body, but it's also incredibly beneficial to wake up your mind. Meditation is an activity that you can do anytime and any place to lower stress levels. Meditating in the morning, even for a short period of time, connects your mind, body and surroundings and helps you get the most out of your day by living mindfully. Laura personally loves to use the app Headspace to guide her through her meditations.

Work Out

A morning workout doesn't necessarily have to be strenous. Just a few minutes a day does good for the mind and body. It could be anything from yoga to workout videos, or going for a run. Exercising in the morning benefits your circulation and digestion, helps detox your body and boosts energy to fight fatigue. You may even notice yourself having more energy throughout the day after being active in the morning.

Eat A High Protein Breakfast

Starting the day with a protein-rich breakfast will keep you satisfied longer. If you’re struggling to find time to make breakfast in the morning, you could prepare it the night before so it's ready to be reheated the next morning. Having a high protein morning meal will help you maintain higher energy levels and mental clarity throughout the day.

Practice Positive Self-talk

Words filled with positivity and love are so powerful, which is why it comes as no surprise that even the smallest compliment can become the highlight of someone’s day. Why not shower the most important person (YOU) with love and appreciation? It might feel a bit awkward talking to yourself in the mirror in the beginning if you're not used to it, but it doesn't have to be a long drawn out monologue. It could be as little as one sentence in the morning acknowledging something you like about yourself.

Blast That Music

Music is such a mood booster. Instead of waking up and checking emails or social media, try going straight to your music app and putting on some happy music to set the tone for a joyful day. Music is said to stimulate your brain in ways that improve motivation, self-confidence, and overall achievement. Another fun activity could be creating a custom morning playlist that you know you'll be excited to listen to.

Make A To-do List

Creating a list of goals to accomplish for the day can help declutter your mind and set you up for a productive day. Make sure not to overload your list and try to be realistic about how much you can accomplish in one day. Also, try to add some fun activities to break up all of the serious tasks on your to-do list, such as a coffee/tea break or a phone call with a loved one.

Develop A Morning Ritual That Works Best For You

A morning ritual has the ability to set you up with some pretty amazing days. Feel free to use one or some of the suggestions above, or even none at all! It doesn’t matter what your morning looks like as long as you love it. We hope that this post can offer some inspiration for ways to make your mornings brighter and more carefree.