by Team Henné <3 / 1.3.24

The Happiness Report (1.3.24)

Animal shelter celebrates after all pets adopted for first time in nearly 50 years

There are no barks or meows coming from a Pennsylvania animal shelter during this holiday week thanks to what it called "a true miracle."

For the first time in 47 years, the Adams County SPCA kennels are empty because all of its animals have been adopted and strays have been reunited with their families, the organization shared in a Facebook post.

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Source: TODAY

She Wrote A Book In 1972, It Was Rejected Over And Over. On Christmas, Her Grandson Surprised Her With Her Book

In 1972, Barbara Rieco penned a heartfelt children's book that held her dreams and aspirations within its pages. Despite her best efforts, the manuscript faced repeated rejection from publishers, leading her to eventually set aside her dreams of becoming a published author.

Little did she know that, decades later, her grandson would turn those dreams into reality.

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Source: Sunny Skyz

Skaters Glide Across Crystal Clear Lake In Stunningly Rare Phenomenon

It seems that nature will never fail to surprise me. Even Luc Mehl, an Alaskan outdoor educator and ice rescue instructor, still finds himself in awe over unexpected moments. Take, for example, the way Rabbit Lake in Alaska has frozen over this year. During the transition into winter, it was far colder and dryer than normal.

This combination transformed the lake into something magical. Rather than a typical frozen lake with snow and cloudiness, this year, Rabbit Lake is breathtakingly clear. It’s so clear, in fact, that it’s being called an “ice window.”

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Source: Inspire More

Watch a mom burst into tearful joy thanks to her 8-year-old's thoughtful Christmas gift

It’s simply expected for parents—especially moms—to create holiday magic for their kids. But sometimes, kids have their own Christmas surprises in store. And often, those thoughtful gifts are so pure it shoots straight to the heart.

Ruthie Hagmann recently had one of these touching experiences, courtesy of her 8-year-old son.

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Source: Upworthy

Retired military working dog reunites with former handler after 2 years apart

After more than two years apart, U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Mike Alcala has finally reunited with John, a now-retired German shepherd military working dog with whom Alcala served for three years while stationed in Hawaii.

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Source: GMA